Thursday, November 06, 2008

Well, day 2 got off to a bad start and I could not get it back on track. I was 6 over after 7 holes through a combination of errors and putting woes. I actually made a lot of good strokes, and I can only think of 2 putts that I was not committed to. The final result was an ugly 81 with no birdies. I will have to play under par the last 2 days to have any shot at all. I can do it on this course...and it starts today! Later.


Scott said...

Sorry about the bad day 2. Hopefully it will pick up today.
Best of Luck,

Anonymous said...

Sorry about your day of play. I found your site while trying to find my husbands score. Don't understand why they are not updating scores at Red Hawk, as they are doing at the other regional locations.


Anonymous said...

Saw Round 3 score. Salvage today!